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International Girls In ICT Day : Career Talk

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An event named “International Girls In ICT Day : Career Talk” is held 13 April 2018 organized by Youth Hub at East West International College, Malaysia. It needs to be noted, YOUTH HUB is a global platform for YOUTH. YH  focuses on  Innovation, Technology & Entrepreneurship.

International Girls in ICT Day, celebrated on the 4th Thursday in April every year aims to create a global environment that empowers and encourages girls and young women to consider careers in the growing field of information and communication technologies (ICTs).

We invite the female technology leaders of the country to share their experiences and motivate the young girls and women in different university. The interactive session helps the participant girls to come out of their cocoons and interact with the leading guests.

Chief Guest: Prof. Dato’ Dr. Hj. Abdul Murad Ahmad, CEO of East International College, Malaysia
Panelist: Mahfuza Kanan Marium, AdWords Online Specialist, Google Malaysia.
Kaniz Fatema, Head of Data & Device, Rajshahi Buisness Circle, Grameenphone Ltd, Bangladesh.
Nurul Qurrantu Aini Binti Dato’ Abdul Murad, Liaison Officer, International Student Training, East West International College, Malaysia.
Pavel Sarwar, Co- Founder, Youth Hub.