

Pavel Sarwar, is one of the Young Tech Entrepreneur, Community Leader & Social Worker. He has 7 years work experience with Entrepreneurship, Strong Community and Social work background in different national & international organization.

He is working for Tech Entrepreneurship, Public Service Innovation, Tech Education and Community development.

Currently, he is the Founder & Director of Codex Software Solution Sdn. Bhd. CODEX is a Malaysia, Bangladesh & Nepal based Tech Company working with a view to solve social & Citizen problems with technology solutions.

He is an Associate Member at BASIS (Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services.

He is also Co- Founder of Youth Hub. YOUTH HUB is a global platform for YOUTH. Youth Hab focuses on Innovation, Technology & Entrepreneurship. Youth Hub wants to share with the youth’s- do what you love, inspire others and change the world.

Pavel also Technology officer of Commonwealth Youth Innovation Centre. The Commonwealth Youth Centre For Innovation Leadership as a hub to develop human capital to drive economic and societal innovation, foster unity and transform societies through sustainable impact.

Pavel is also the Community Moderator of Mymensingh Local Guides. Local Guides is a global community of explorers sharing their discoveries on Google Maps. He is also contributing with Google Crowdsource community as a Representative of Malaysia. He is also a Google Street View trusted Photographer.

He featured on Google Official Blog & Local Guides channels as part of Valentine’s Day 2018 as Local Guides Couple. He attend Google Local Guides Summit 2017 at Google HQ, California, San Francisco, USA full funded by Google.

He is also a Global Youth Ambassador under former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, through Theirworld.

Pavel got the Young Entrepreneur Award 2015 organized by BdOSN. He is also awarded for Innovative Mobile Application & Extraordinary contribution, effort and volunteerism in the field of social welfare and public services Innovation.

Also, he has been involved in many events as an organizer and speaker and he hopes to expand his activities, and support more youth in the future. He is an inspiration for all those youth trying their hard to come forward into mainstream entrepreneurship.